Do you think that certain smartphone operating systems are objectively rather than subjectively better?

Q. Do you think that certain smartphone operating systems are objectively rather than subjectively better

People always debate over whether iPhones or Android phones or Windows Phones or BlackBerry phones are better. For example, one of my friends is constantly telling me how Android is better than the iPhone because of its more innovative features such as Google Now which tells people stuff automatically such as when the next train comes, nearby restaurants, and determining traffic conditions and offering faster alternative driving routes; he says that because of that the iPhone is dead and he jokingly predicts that such a feature will come in the iPhone 13. He thinks that Apple doesn't innovate enough with the iPhone, introduces new features after everyone else has and he feels that there is no good reason to buy an iPhone because Android has more innovative features and more faster and powerful processors and more RAM. He is obsessed with Google and he told me that he hopes Microsoft fails so that Google can take over the world; my friend is a Google fanboy which isn't wrong as long he respects other people's choices and opinions.


A. To each his own

What is the difference between an HTC Desire and the Droid phone?
Q. An actual DROID phone and an HTC Desire essentially the same phone? My brother is telling me the HTC Desire is not a DROID phone,, but it that is is a droid-like phone. So I guess I'm wondering, what is the difference,,,other than their marketing names (HTC Desire / DROID)

A. The Desire runs on the Android Operating System and it is an android phone. "Droid" is a brand name Motorola uses for the Droid X, 2 and Pro.

I did a quick check and the Desire is a good phone.

Following the Legend, HTC continues its Android 2.1 lineup with the Desire -- a gorgeous cousin of the renowned Nexus One. We can trace our drool all the way back to the Desire's leak in December, but there have been some changes since then that made it slightly less desirable (rest in this link)

What operating system is better android or apple?
Q. I have an apple iPod touch 4 but I want the Asus eeepad transformer. What should I do get the Asus eeepad transformer or keep the iPod touch 4

A. Better is totally subjective. Each operating system has it's own appeal depending on what you want to use it for. Apples ios is more polished and slightly more user friendly but it is only available for Apple made hardware [ipod, iphone, ipad etc] and many people find that too restrictive. Android is "open source" and therefore can run on a much wider selection of hardware from many different manufacturers [Samsung, Motorola, HTC etc].
Apps for Apples ios have to pass through stringent tests and apple totally control what apps you can use.
Android allows far more user choice anfd freedom [you can download apps from a myriad of sources, not just Android Market] and I for one do not like being controlled and told what apps I can run or use on hardware that I have purchased with my own hard earned cash!
Rather than thinking about which OS is better you should decide what hardware most suits your purposes and has the performance and capabilities to fulfill YOUR particular needs. If you want the ASUS product because of its abilities and feature set then buy it.
If Apples ios is "Better" period! then Android wouldn't be used by the millions of people who use it every day.

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