Do people still enjoy text based games?

Q. I'm programming a text based game right now and when I'm all done with it I think I will try and get it on the Google play store for android phones but do people even still play and enjoy them I like to play them they're fun but what do you think?

A. My Experience: I'm the owner of Richiekane Games and creator the game Criminals In Action. I am currently in various stages of development on several mobile apps and other games that will be released in the coming months.

My Answer: The text based gaming industry is alive and well. And it will be as long as there is a need to play games without the need for expensive top-of-the-line computers and devices. As long as people still want to get the most enjoyment for the least amount of money there will always be a need for text based games. These games use very little resources and require no downloading and no overpriced game consoles to buy. In most cases the games are free to play so they are very attractive to teenagers and people with a tight budget. The latter is what first drew me into the world of text based games. At $50 or more a pop, and a family to feed, I just couldn't afford to buy new video games but I didn't want to stop playing. I stumbled upon a free text based game and I was hooked instantly. The first time I logged in, I played for almost 12 hours straight. I loved the concept so much I decided to go to college and start my own gaming company.

It's difficult for some people to get into a text based game but when they do, they usually find that it's one of the best gaming experiences they will find. If the game is done well, it will provide countless hours of entertainment to players. At the time of this writing I have players who have played more than 5,000 hours and have been members for almost four years. A good percentage of my players rarely go a day without playing.

Good text based games have strong communities of players that keep people coming back. You will never experience the level of comradery, that you find in these communities, in any PS3 or Xbox game. Sure Modern Warfare and Black Ops are a lot of fun and you can play online with friends but eventually it gets old and new games are released causing the "community" to disperse. I have never seen more loyalty and devotion to a gaming community than I have seen with text based games. The community in my game is wonderful. I can't say enough about them. They keep me activity playing, which is rare to see a game creator do, and motivate me to continue developing new features and games. I have met some of the best people I know in this community and I feel blessed to be part of it.

I could go on for days about how great text based gaming is but I have to get back to my game to do some attacks so my gang doesn't get decimated. I strongly encourage you to build your game and get involved in the industry. Making a game will help the industry as a whole, but it also makes you my competitor. My only response to that is, game on!

I hope that answers your question. If nothing else, at least you know I still enjoy text based games. :D If you would like to check out my work or have any more questions go to and search for me, Richiekane, and send me a message. I'd be happy to talk with you and help you with your project or even do some promoting for you. That also goes for anyone else reading this. I wish you the best of luck with your game.

Does anyone know of good, free 2D game designing software?
Q. Thanks!

A. Depends what you mean by good.

Do you mean something capable of replicating -any- 2d game, or something you can learn easily?

Check out Scratch

It's a java program developed by MIT. Basically it lets you create java applets, but instead of having to learn the language, everything is laid out into building blocks, like lego. So as long as everything fits together, your program WILL run (just how you put everything together determines whether it does what you wanted it to do.)

here is a link of a little 2d game i made, it only took me a grand total of about 3 hours to make this, but i have a -little- bit of flash experience. It's real easy though, there's a ton of scratch tutorials online, and you can download user submitted content, open it in Scratch and see how it was created, or even edit it into your own game.

My game:
btw it can be a little bit buggy on restarting after you lose, you might need to refresh the page and/or click on the green flag to start over.

Google also released a very similar tool to create android apps (for smartphones) - you can make games quite easily with that, although i think the software is a -little- harder to get used to compared to scratch. I think it's called Android App Creator

Where can i get started as a beginner to start making apps?
Q. I would like to know how to make a android apps. The reason why i want to learn how to create apps is i find them interesting, i would like to know where i can start. I do not have the money and i would like to start off by creating android games for free and know the basics of creating apps. If i should have to download something, i don't want a virus to get into the computer and i wish to avoid the problem.

Does anyone knows where you could make apps for free or at least know sites or create that good in reputation because i do not want to just use any creator that will not do it's job not perfect but at least better with fewer complaints

A. To create apps you'll need to download Eclipse IDE from, and the Android SDK from You'll also need an in depth knowledge of computer programing in Java, OpenGL graphics library, as well as Android libraries.

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