What is the most used programming language to build Android apps?

Q. I am going to college very soon to learn web design but aside I want to teach my self to build Android apps. I read that they use JavaScript to build those apps. My question is: Is JavaScript the most used language to build Android apps? What are other commonly used languages to build Android apps? Thanks

A. Java is used to build Android apps, not Javascript! Using Java and the Android SDK is the way most apps are written. Java is a core language for Android and gives you access at a hardware level, which is preferred by allot of programmers. If you wanted something a little more simple which is easier to use then you can use the Corona SDK, a powerful and easy to use programming tool which takes allot of work out of programming in Java, you can also build any app for iOS as well. Corona SDK uses LUA as the main programming language and is in general a much easier language to use. You can use Java and the Android SDK or LUA and the Corona SDK.

How can you make money from android apps?
Q. I am taking a class on programming android apps. I want to find a way to make money from my app. It is a app that helps people find the latest events at their universities. How can I monetize it?

A. Thats a good idea for a app, Jason. Try your best to make it happen!

To answer your question about making money from apps, there are a couple of ways you can do this. One, you can always charge people to use your app, but I don't recommend this. Based on my experience from making apps, I noticed that free apps always have a ton of more users than paid apps. Your userbase will reduce by at least 50% if you charge people to download the app.

So my recommendation would be to provide a free app, and monetize it somehow like using ads, premium content, and other things. Since you said your app is about the latest events at universities, you can always charge people to put their events at the top!

Good luck!

What programming languages can be used to devolp android apps?
Q. i want to make android apps, but i want to know what programming languages are compatible with android, like is html compatible? or can it run regular java or mobile?

A. The language primarily used for Android is Java. HTML is not a language. Android is a distribution of Linux and C/C++ is usually used for Linux and it is poosible to do Android development using C++. It is also possible to use C# for Android. There are other languages that could possibly be used.

You can develop applications using HTML and JavaScript.

I suggest starting using Java and the Android SDK. I don't kno what book is good for learning. I am reading Pro Android (ISBN-13: 978-1-4302-1596-7) but you might need a separte book for Java. I am not sure if I recommend Pro Android; it might be too advnaced for you.

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