What is the name of the movie that has to do with mice building planets?

Q. Its a newer one that came out in the last few years, at the end the man finds out that its mice that are building planets.

A. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)
starring Mos Def, Martin Freeman, Zooey Deschanel, Sam Rockwell, Stephen Fry, Warwick Davis, Richard Griffiths, John Malkovich
IMDb synopsis:
Waking up one morning, a British man named Arthur Dent awakes and find his house is going to be demolished. But for Arthur, the demolition of his house is only the beginning, Arthur's friend eccentric Ford Prefect reveals to Earth that he is not human and he is a alien from a planet called Bettleguise and is a researcher of a electronic book called "The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Ford saves Arthur when Earth is wiped out by the Vogons who have demolished the Earth to make way for a new intergalactic motorway. Embarking on a intergalactic adventure, Arthur and Ford are joined by two-headed former president of the galaxy, Zaphod Beeblebrox, intelligent human woman Trillian and Marvin, a depressed android, travels across the galaxy on-board Zaphod's stolen spaceship "Heart of Gold". Where they set out to discover the meaning of life and travel to the newly constructed Earth II, where Slartibartfast reveals the truth about the original Earth, that was destroyed by the Vogons.
This is the ninth version of the "Hitchhiker's Guide". It previously appeared as a radio series, two record albums, novels, a television series ("The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" (1981)), a computer game, a stage show, a comic book, a video game (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1984)), and a towel.

Here's one site where copies are available:
I think that YouTube might have the film. Here's Part 1:

I do agree that it's much better reading the novel because it's difficult to translate Douglas Adams to the screen. I actually liked the TV miniseries better than the feature film version. But, the books are the best! Here are the titles, just in case anyone is interested in some entertaining and very funny reading, with lots of quotable lines:
Novels in the Hitchhiker series
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979)
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (1980)
Life, the Universe and Everything (1982)
So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish (1984)
Mostly Harmless (1992)

I have a pornography addiction and need advice?
Q. I have a My touch 4g android phone and Im thinking about getting rid of it for a phone that doesnt have internet. I figure if I do that then I won't go on a porn binge when im stressed or have the urge. I still have my laptop, but having this phone is just making things worse.

A. Pornography is dangerous and it is not healthy, so I am happy to hear that you are being honest and realistic about it's influences. Many people feel that it is okay to watch porn, especially men, but these things can really mess a persons life up because it warps his thoughts and his view of others, and it wears on his sexual desires to the point where he can't perform sexually in real life. It can even tear apart families. I've personally seen a couple break up and get divorced and porn played a big part. However, it is possible to break free of this habit. If it helps to get rid of your phone, then do it. If you also need to get rid of your laptop, go for it. You can always use a public computer at the library.

Also, there are two helpful articles about breaking the habit at http://www.watchtower.org/e/20020708a/article_01.htm and http://www.watchtower.org/e/200611a/article_01.htm Both contain professional advice that you can consider at your leisure. I really hope this information helps you.

What does the dragon ball z manga cover?
Q. I'm starting to read manga, and I love DBZ and was wonder if its like the show. Does it go freeza Android cell ect? Or is it different? And also please name some good manga if you know any! Thank you much!

A. It's kinda different, if you watch DBZ Kai then it's exactly like that. The DBZ Manga spans the entire show. It even has Dragonball (Goku as a Kid series, I recommend that one first, Dragonball, then DBZ.). Here's the big difference, there is NO filler in the manga, Goku getting his driver's liscence? Gone. Garlic Jr saga? Gone. and a bunch of other filler episodes, all gone. It's strictly NO FILLER, but it'll show you the entire series. and yeah, it's chonologically ordered. In fact, all the books are out, (42 in all). You can buy the season Box sets if you like, Dragonball Vol 1-16 for like, 40$ at a bookstore site, or even just go to the store itself and nab it. DBZ Vol 1-26 might be more, because there're more novels in it. It's fast-paced too. No boring peace-time. They have a special out (manga) of the DBZ movie of Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan, in color, only a single novel, shorter than most, but looks expensive. Might be worth your time to get that too. I have all 42 novels of Dbz. it's great to see another dbz fan! Oh yeah, I advise to buy the box sets. individually the dbz manga spans 7.95 per novel. now do the math, 7.95 times 42. that's ALOT, so buy the box sets, saves you alot of money! Really it will! if you are going to rent 'em at a library, can't garuntee they'll have all the novels. (especially if you want to go chronologically), you're better off buying them/reading them online.

They have special edition Manga of DBZ out too! 3-In-One books, more expensive but they have alot more extras in it, including some chapters in COLOR.

Oh yeah, some good Manga? Howabout....

Yu Yu Hakusho - If you've heard the anime, most of the voice actors of DBZ star in this one, it's really similar, fighting, tournaments, but here's the fun part, it's Spiritual! No dragonballs, but they have a similar Diety, King Yemma! but he's more important in Yu Yu! He's lord of spirit world! We never see him until the last epsiodes, trust me you'll love it.

Naruto - HE STOLE GOKU'S COLOR, MAN! Anyways, a Ninja manga, really LONG manga, spans over 60 novels AND STILL GOING ON. DBZ used to be the world's most popular anime, it might still be, but Naruto is catching up quick! Because it's still on the air with New episodes and new vol in manga!

One Piece - Who Doesn't love Pirates, man? Most of the cast have the same voice actors as DBZ as well! Fancy that? Alot of Comedy, laughter, but some serious moments, and TONS OF FIGHTING. Pirate brawls, rum bottle throwing, Jack Sparrow'd love to be part of this Manga!

Ruroni Kenshin - As it says. Batosai the Manslayer. It's more Samurai based, and Historical, serious, (some comedy, who doesnt love comedy?), the fighting is more tactical, very blood-and-gore-y. If you like a good samurai then read this Manga.

Yu-Gi-Oh - Now come on, man. Who doesn't love Yu-Gi-Oh? All the nostalgia of playing with cards while Younger? Man I still have my cards! You'll enjoy this Manga if you've seen the first season on TV! (not the crappy later episodes, but the good ol' old ones!)

What else can I reccommend...?

Inuyasha, who doesn't like a Half-Demon-Half-Human stimpy arrogant S.O.B and a hot girl in a japanese schoolgirl outfit with a bow? IT'S ALL THE RAGE I TELL YOU!

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