What kind of things could I do on an Android phone that I couldn't do on an iPhone?

Q. I have an iPhone 3GS now but in light of the iPhone 5 and Nexus Prime rumors I'm hearing good arguments from both sides. My understanding is that the iPhone OS is more secure and user friendly but the Android system allows more features. I'd appreciate any insight.

A. The main two features of android phones which are lacking in iPhones are turn-by-turn navigation and speech-to-text. Other than that they are largely similar feature wise. Android offers more personalisation and customisation but also has a tendency to be problematic when updating software. You have more freedom over apps on android but this extra freedom can be a security risk in some. There have been numerous stories of rogue apps which surreptitiously send premium rate text messages. The closed apple app store is the largest of its kind and offers more security that the freedom of the android market place but it can lack the choice as apple retains the right to block submissions to the App Store.

What features of Android are exclusive to Android?
Q. I've gotta give a presentation in one of my classes, and the subject is how and why Android OS is gaining market share on other smartphone OS.

I (obviously) want to know of features that are unique and exclusive to ONLY Android. I'm terrible at thinking of stuff on the fly like that, so help me out. :)

A. LUCKY. I would love to do a presentation like that.

Android is a rising & powerful mobile smartphone OS. A few examples, compared to BlackBerry, iPhone & Nokia OS, that Android gains over all the competition include:
-Open Software,
Google's Android is probably the only OS that is easily accessible & not complicated. It is not locked down to a single carrier & is always a new experience daily. It can be "rooted" to give access to software such as "free WiFi Tether" or just "super user controls".

Just like any other smartphone, it has a download market. It may have a bug here & there, but it is fantastic. It may not have as many apps as iOS's App Store, or as many Accessibility apps in BlackBerry App World, but it can "almost" reach App Store 'nirvana'.

-Google Software,
Navigation, Maps, Market, Internet, GMail, Search. Given the possibility that other OS's have the same software, Android OS has it built in & used to it's greatest extent. Navigation/Maps are a great advantage with free turn-by-turn directions and "layers". GMail for Android is a "push" system, as in which, emails can come in instantly. The Internet browser is possibly the greatest mobile browser that is available.

-Android OS,
Starting from good old 1.5 (Donut). With out a doubt, it had errors. 1.6 (Cupcake) fixed those errors & introduced new software. OS 2.0-2.1 (Eclair) brought substantial updates. OS 2.2 (FroYo) has brought many new features, yet as a newborn OS, it has a couple of errors, but it's near perfect.

-Android Phones,
Ah, starting from the G1, to the Samsung Fascinate, an Android powered phone is usually available every 2-3 months. Buyer's remorse is the only thing that keeps buyers from buying Android since the next generation of Android is available.. pretty fast.

Android is the greatest OS with out a doubt. That's all

How much do apps on smartphones cost?
Q. I was thinking about getting a smartphone from verizon wireless,the samsung fascinate seems like an awesome phone. I was wondering how much it would exactly cost to have apps on a phone (ive never owned a smartphone before) Or are the apps automatically added to the phone bill? Ive also heard you can delete different apps you dont use on a smartphone.
Thanks for the help ! :)

A. android apps are never added to the bill. they must be purchased with a credit card. however, about 62% of the approximately 250,000 apps on the android market are FREE. I have over 125 apps on my android phone and havent paid for any of them. you also get free navigation and awesome voice functionality too. well worth the $30 data plan if you ask me. my advice, get the droid x2 or the incredible 2 if you want something a little smaller (same size as the fascinate). they both cost a little more but they are well worth it in the long run. you get more features and you aren't plagued with the bing search functions that the fascinate has (they clash with the google based android os) as far as deleting, you can delete anything you download, but most if not all of the preinstalled apps on the phone cannot be removed.

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