change android sdk emulator from tablet to phone?

Q. Hi
I created an android emulator with api level 13 and when I run it instead of a phone it is tablet size and has no virtual keyboard beside it. How can i change it to a normal Android phone?

but I need to use API 3.2. Is there not a way to change it within that API level?

A. If you are using Eclipse:

Window > Android SDK And AVD Manager
Select your emulator and click edit to the left.
The second option is called "Target" (the drop down comboBox). Change that to what you want.

In case you need it:
API 8 = 2.2
API 9 = 2.3.1
API 10 = 2.3.3

If that doesn't fix the look, change the model to "WVGA800".

If you are not using Eclipse:
I don't know, sorry.

Developers: How do I send apps to my Android device from Ubuntu?
Q. I have a Motorola Backflip that has been rooted and flashed with j_r0dd's Preclair rom (2.1-update1). I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 with Eclipse Galileo. I am able to run my applications on the Android Emulator, but I'm not sure how to do so on my phone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

A. best to post your question here for better help ....

How to install apps to Android SDK?
Q. Is there a way to install apps to this android emulator?

A. it's actually very simple
1) note the location of the app (.apk file)
2) in a cmd console - go to the directory where you have extracted the android SDK to (if you do not have the sdk, download it from and extract it)
3) go to the tools directory
4) type 'adb install app.apk' where app.apk is the name of the application you want to install
for more helpful hints you can visit my blog at
Good luck
Elad Katz

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