How can a teen make an android app for free?

Q. I want to make an android app for free but andromo says you have to be 18 to use andromo.
Is there some other website you can make android apps for free on for teens

A. Andromo looks like a company that steals ideas to make money... if you want to make an android app you need to know java first...

download AIDE for android and you can start making apps today right from your phone... at any age.

on a PC you can use eclipse but you will need the android DK and all that.

How to call randomly generated numbers in Android java app?
Q. I want to create an app that randomly generates a series of 10 digit numbers from 0-9, and then have the app automatically call these numbers via phone until stopped.

Please help

A. Random r = new random()

How do I make an Android app?
Q. I just got myself a Samsung i9000 and I want to develop an app for it. I want to make an app for myself where I can add lots of different functions in one app. There's only one problem- I have zero knowledge of Android or java or sdk (basically I'm a dummy). What website can I visit that will teach me everything about Android apps?

A. Google App Inventor claims to enable non-coders to develop complete, working Android (Android) apps by connecting a series of âblocks.â Google (Google) has been testing App Inventor in schools for a year, reports The New York Times.

Itâs a smart concept. Not only is the Android Market (Android Market) an open platform for developers (with no approval process, a la Appleâs App Store), but now weâll likely see a vast array of specialized apps built by non-developers. This could radically increase the volume of apps in the Market versus the App Store (App Store).

If App Inventor is so simple that schoolchildren can make apps, those same children will soon become coders themselves and perhaps choose to develop apps for Android rather than iOS.

Google and Apple are currently in a heated battle to win the hearts and minds of developers. Google, it seems, wants to win over the non-developers too.

Hope this is worth 10 points.

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