How do you send and view text messages on an Android phone?

Q. I know this sounds dumb, but I just got my first smartphone and I'm stumped. I put the SIM card from my old (non-smartphone) phone into the new Android phone. How do I view my old text messages?? And how do you text? Seriously. Can someone give me step by step instructions? It uses a touchscreen.

A. Your old Text Messages are saved to your old phone's internal memory (not to the SIM card/SD Card). There isn't a way to recover these messages.

To text on an android phone:
1) Open up the message application
2) Click on Compose new Message
4) Enter in the contact who you want to send a message to
5) Write your message in the box below where you entered your contact's name
6) click on the send button

What android phone is the best in your opinion?
Q. I'm thinking about getting an android phone when I renew my contract with Verizon in July. What android phone do you prefer and why? So far I've been looking at the Motorolla Droid and the HTC Incredible.

A. The HTC incredible hands down. the phone is better overall. but if you need a physical keyboard then go for the Droid with is pretty good too.

How do I sync my work outlook calendar with my android phone?
Q. I've seen lots of forums about it, but it's kind of technical. Can someone give me a step by step in easy language? This is my first android phone :) Thanks!!

A. Not sure this is what you're looking for but, this is a 5 step process to sync outlook calendar with android. Hope this helps you.

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