What rage app for android can you make and upload the commics so it is public?

Q. I have an Android and I have an app that let's you make one but not upload them to public and I have another app were you can onley look at other peoples commics. I want to know the name of the app for Android where you can make and upload rage commics

A. you can public the app over here, and there are many people get interested in your app.

How to find tha facebook application on the android market on g1 phone?
Q. I ve had this phone for about 5 hours now and ive never been so stressed because of technology in my life! I jsut CANT fins ANY of the applications i want ive tried searching for every possible way of finding this on the android market WHERE IS IT?!?!?!?!

A. I find the facebook in pandaapp download center you can try that

How do I save more messages on my android phone?
Q. I have an Android Transform and on my messages it only saves up to 200 messages but I want it to save more then 200. I know you can do it because when I first got the phone I got to a setting where I could change it to save up to however many messages I want, but I don't remember how to do it. If anybody knows can they please tell me? Thanks!

A. Look this google side for help http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&redir_esc=&client=ms-android-samsung&source=android-browser-type&v=141400000&qsubts=1353956361166&action=devloc&q=how+to+save+mesages+on+my+droid+phone

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