How do you choose your path in Fallout 3 (Good/Neutral/Evil)?

Q. I don't know how many times i've tried but i can't seem to get past the Neutral stage for the first 3 levels. Every choice I do i end ud completeing the game in neutral. Is there a way from in the time that you grow up until your father runs away that you can be on the evil path or (PREFERABLY) --> the good path

A. Hi. Here are some ways to gain positive/negative karma quickly.


1. Give bottles of purified water to people in need (these individuals can be located outside the gates of Megaton, Rivet City and Tenpenny Tower.)

2. When doing a quest, talk to all NPC's using positive dialogue choices, and just be happy to help people "out of the goodness of your heart" - don't expect a reward.

Go out of your way for other characters instead of selfishly thinking about yourself. For instance, in the Quest "Stealing Independence", a Rivet City Historian asks you to retrieve the declaration of independence from the National Archives. Eventually when you arrive at the vault, you're greeted by a robot named Button Gwinnet, who believes he is human. The protectron wants you to forge a "fake declaration of independence", to give to the historian. By assisting Button Gwinnet you gain karma. It's these small little things which all add up.

3. Killing supremely evil NPC's is also beneficial. If you murder Allistair Tenpenny at Tenpenny Tower, Ahzrukhal the ghoul at Underworld, and all the slavers at Paradise falls, you'll get a massive boost of karma.

4. If you choose the "lawbringer" perk when you level up, every time you kill an evil character they will have a finger for you to take. This finger can then be shown to a certain character (identity disclosed) for bottlecaps and good karma.


1. Kill any good person you can.

2. Steal from every non-hostile person, whenever possible (pickpocketting, lockpicking doors/safes)

3. Hack the terminals of non-hostile people regularly.

4. Choose rude/evil speaking options when interacting with NPC's.

5. When doing quests, think about yourself before others. Never listen or comply with any person's wishes unless it's suitable for you. For example, in the quest "The reverted man", Dr Zimmer wants you to track down his runaway android, which he says has "had a mind wipe and facial reconstruction". At one point during the quest you are approached by Victoria Watts, a member of "The Railorad" - an institution which helps android slaves to escape. She pleads with you to fool Dr Zimmer, by delivering an android component to him (thus indicating the android is dead). Simply disregard what she has told you. After you find out who the android is, you have the choice to warn him, or immediately tell Dr Zimmer. Because you're trying to be evil, you want the android captured right? I mean, who cares about him anyway, you just want the reward. So tell Dr Zimmer and you'll get your negative karma! (See what i mean)

6. If you select the "contract killer" perk when you level up, an ear will appear on every good person you assassinate. This ear can then be shown to a specific person (identity disclosed) for bottlecaps and negative karma.

how do i get pinkerton to talk about the android in fallout 3?
Q. i found pinkerton but i everytime i talk to him i dont have the option for him to talk about the android,so how do i do it?

A. Why would Pinkerton talk to your character about something your character knows nothing about. This is a role-playing type game after all. Like the other quests in the game, The Replicated Man requires careful searching to uncover the hidden clues and asking the right questions that lead you to the solution. Searching and unraveling the mysteries is the game!

If you're not interested in all that you can just use console commands to give yourself the A3-21's Plasma Rifle. Just hit ~, type player.additem 6B539 1, hit enter, and ~ and you can forget the boring old role-playing and get out there start killing things.

Or better yet, just get a fatman and one mininuke, hit ~ and type tgm, hit enter and ~ and then you can just mini-nuke everything, never run out of ammo, and never get injured.

fallout 3: i completed the reaplicated man but didnt get the rifle how do i get it?
Q. i already comleated the reaplicated man on fallout three i went back to pinkerton and he didmt tell me any thing about the anderoid cause i already did the quest a long time ago i went to harkeness and couldnt find the right dialouge choice is there another way to get the code or something?

A. Unfortunately it is probably too late. There would have been an option when initially talking to P about the android: "There's something you aren't telling me". He would have given you the code, you would use the code on H, then convince him to go with his previous get the gun and they would give you a perk.

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