I have a LG Optimus V and notice that the battery goes quick on it, love the phone but the battery sucks,?

Q. so i was looking for a charger on the go to take with me in case I ever needed to charge it while i'm out. I found the "Energizer Energi To Go" but no adapters thats fits my phone, anyone got a solution and please dont say buy a new phone or battery. Thanks all!

A. I was having the same issue, but I fixed it.

I set all my mail apps to not display icon and not check for mail (check manually). This included Gmail, Yahoo and Android mail.

I also did the trick of resetting the radio (see referenced thread ) to CMDA auto. Not sure if that helped too.

Bottom line, after turning off the mail checks I went from a battery that was draining in hours to one that lasts all day and hardly uses any battery at all.

Plus, I have been keeping my Wifi and GPS turned on (what's the point of Android if I can't keep those on!) and I still get long battery life!

Why does my phone say my 8gb sd card only has 7.39gb of space?
Q. I have an lg optimus v. It is an android. I just got a new 8gb micro sd card.. But i'm wondering why my phone says that I only have 7.39gb of total space

A. There are two reasons why this is the case. One reason why is that most manufacturers take 1GB to be 1000MB, while 1GB is actually 1024MB. Thus, your 8GB card has 8000MBs on it and, hence, 8000/1024 = 7.81GB on it. The second reason is because the OS can take some space on the SD card.

I hope this helps!

Virgin mobile samsung intercept or lg optimus v?
Q. im buying a new phone and i cant decide between the virgin mobile samsung intercept or the lg optimus v. Suggestions?

A. Well to be honest, it is better to do research yourself when asking these types of questions than to ask it here. You will end up getting a lot of answers from people who haven't tried both phones and you more than likely won't find what you're looking for. Even Google is more reliable here. But since you went through the trouble to ask the question and Google results can be pretty unorganized, I'll give you your answer.

It all depends on what you want in a phone. Since you didn't give any details on how you want to use the phone, I'm going to have to trust you to use these comparisons to figure it out yourself.

Both phones have 3.2" capacitive touch screens. They work the same way that the iPhone's touch screen works. The Optimus has a slightly bigger screen. The Intercept's screen is slightly taller, but much narrower, If you put them side to side you can definitely tell the Optimus's screen is bigger. The Optimus's touch screen is also a lot better. The Intercept has trouble keeping up with your finger, and sometimes it will open up an app when you meant to switch to another screen. It doesn't sound that bad, but it can get extremely irritating.

When it comes to performance, the Optimus wins again. The Intercept has an 800 MHz Samsung processor while the Optimus V has a 600 MHz Qualcomm processor with a 200 MHz Adreno GPU for loading graphics and taking stress off the main processor. Basically, what all that means is that the Optimus has the superior processor. I know 800 is more than 600, but that GPU makes a huge difference. The Intercept is extremely laggy and tends to freeze A LOT. When I had it, it got to the point where it would restart itself around 3 times a day. The Intercept is also useless if someone calls you. If you're playing a game or surfing the web and someone calls you, be ready to pull out the battery. The Optimus, on the other hand, works perfectly. There is little to no lag at all, and I honestly can't remember the last time it ever froze. It has no trouble answering phone calls like the Intercept does.

I never noticed a real difference with the cameras on the phones. They both have 3.2 MP cameras that can take pictures and videos. Neither are bad, but they won't take pictures you're going to want to frame. Videos are meh.

If you have a feature phone right now, the battery life is going to hit you like a ton of bricks once you get either of these phones. Realize that ALL smartphones, especially Android smartphones, have horrific battery life. The Intercept has slightly better battery life, but really, both are going to make you shit yourself when you see how horrible they are. You can install apps from the Market to help conserve battery life, but really, it's like spraying a pile of shit with Febreeze. It won't help much.

The Intercept comes with Android 2.1 (Eclair), but it was recently updated to 2.2 (FroYo). The update fixes SOME of the Intercept MANY problems, but it definitely doesn't make the Intercept any more usable as people were hoping. The Optimus comes with 2.2. Again, the Optimus has no major issues like the Intercept does. It is smooth and responsive. LG said they planned on updating the entire Optimus One line, icluding all of its variants (Optimus T, Optimus C, Optimus S, Optimus V, Vortex, Phoenix, Thrive, etc.) to 2.3 (Gingerbread) later this year. I think it is safe to say there will be winter in Hell before Samsung updates the Intercept again.

I could go in more detail, but again, if you wanted extreme detail, I'm sure you would have researched it on your own so I will leave it at that.

In case it isn't obvious, I MUCH prefer the Optimus. If you DESPERATELY need the keyboard though, if you will literally fall over and die without it, then go with the Intercept. The Optimus is faster, more reliable, and a phone I feel safe keeping around with me. Honestly if I had a heart attack and tried to call 911 with the Intercept, it would probably say "DERP" and fall over, and I would die.

BUT!!!11!!!!1one!!!1!! (notice the the but) If I were you, I would take a look at the Motorola Triumph before deciding on either of these phones. The Triumph is supposed to come out late July (July 19 is believed to be the exact day) for Virgin Mobile and is basically a slightly smaller Droid X. It has a 4.1" screen (capacitive) and a 1 GHz (1000 MHz) processor with the GPU the Optimus has, and will come with Android 2.2. It will easily be the best phone you can get for any prepaid carrier. They haven't told us the price yet, but I would guess it would be somewhere between 200-300 dollars.

Good luck with whatever phone you get. Unless it's the Intercept. HAHA just kidding. But not really.

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