Is java for dummies and android development for dummies enough to get into android app development?

Q. okay so I dont have any programming experience at all..Ive started practicing the codes in java for dummies and android development for this enough if I want to develop minor apps and sell them on the playstore?

A. First of all you should consult android official site ..

Beginning Android By Mark. L Murphy is very basic book , divided in 38 small chapters for beginners ,, you can also use Video series by thenewbostan here

All of these are the best source u would ever find ...

Some very very ultimate beginner tutorials for Android development?
Q. My 10 year old son wants to learn Android development. He knows quite a lot of java. Any extremely extremely extremely beginner learning resources for him? Also, he does not want to do it in Eclipse.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

A. Google's Android site has some tutorials (and the Software Development Kit - SDK) and there are numerous beginner tutorials available on the web.

is it good if i learn android development?
Q. hey guys, im good java programmer but i dont have any idea about android
so i was wondering what are the benefits of learning android developments?
, will it be easy since i'm good java programmmer?
if that idea is good then what android books do you guys recommend for me?

A. Loaded question. I'll try my best.

Firstly, yes it is true that Android uses the Java Language but it doesn't use 'real' Java. In that I mean the form of Java it uses is one that has been specialised by Google. A lot of the standard Java API from J2SE is not available, further the parts that are available aren't a simple 1:1 line up of functionality - in essence if you want to learn Android development you're gonna have to 'begin again' so to speak.

You do have an advantage though already having experience of Java, it will serve you well in that the syntax and the structure of Android apps is very similar to Java.

The benefits can be quantified in terms of market exposure, application maintenance, developer support and programming delegation.

Market Exposure: In developing for Android enabled devices you open yourself to the world of mobile, tablet and possibly future desktop environments. Add to this Android's application market place and you have much of the marketing and publication duties handled for you by Google.

Application Maintenance: The same application marketplace and the Android API help simplify application maintenance and update delivery.

Developer Support: The Android API documentation is extensive and there are many forums that help developers with any problems they might have; the Android API also helps standardise the whole process and fine tune the end product leaving your projects less open-ended than traditional Java development where Java is developed with the intention of being cross platform Android is a single platform API.

Programming Delegation: Android API also provides many components for App development that can help you code your project while minimising the amount of boilerplate code you have to write.

Finally as for Books I can't recommend any unfortunately. I used Google's own API documentation for Android which contains tutorials and samples. Simply download and Install Eclipse for Java EE and then the Android SDK then the Eclipse plug-in and you're good to go. The Android API details how to do all of this. [1]

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