What do you think about replacing our current police with robotic android police made by Microsoft ?

Q. Say in the next 20 years.

it will save counties millions in salaries. The robots will be programmed to be nice to civilians that are not breaking laws and teach the robots to respect those who are accused because they are innocent till proved guilty.

There are so many more benefits. What do you think also abut freezing prisoners in cryogenic sleep for their prison term. It would save billions in state revenue .

I have so many ideas I wonder if I should run for president sometimes.

A. What about the blue screen of death? If from Microsoft the android is more likely to freeze than the prisoner.
Actually Asimov wrote a couple of books on this.

How to recover un-backed up deleted text messages from an Android phone?
Q. My friend recently moved to another state and he text the address but its now off the phone :( We need the address so we could send a police officer to check on him. Please help!

A. fast news and free android news welcome to http://android.pandaapp.com/

Is there an Android app I can use to locate a different phone?
Q. Pplease NO GUESSES. I want a phone location but I dont have the phone here to put an app on it. I want to know the phones location its Android and mine is Android also.

A. Almost certainly not.
There would be an outcry if it turned out that there was a way that someone could get that kind of information on anyone they wanted. Of course, that information is available, the police can get that information from the phone companies. However, unless there is a hole in their security, that information is not publicly available.

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