How does a tablet work?

Q. I am offered a 7 inch tablet that works with the android system. Do I need internet from verizon or can it just work off of wireless internet? I have T-Mobile so if it does work off Verizon do I have to have them as a phone company? Also what all can a tablet do?

A. wireless internet is definitely OK, some tablet can use verizon and some not. For my experience, i don't know any 7 inch tablet can use verizon or T-mobil

I use my tablet watch youtube, check email facebook, not for work

What do android tablets and other off brands of ipads do?
Q. this may sound stupid, but i wanted an ipad but i heard android tablets were cheaper. whats the difference btwn them? what can they do?

A. * iPads come only in one size - 9.7 inches. Android Tablets come in multiple sizes - 7 inch, 8 inch, 8.9 inch and 10 inch sizes.
* iPads are made by one company, Apple, Many companies make Android Tablets - Samsung, Dell, Motorola, Asus, Acer, Toshiba, Viewsonic and recently Amazon.
* Some Android devices come with more features out of the box - HDMI built-in, USB built-in, GPS. For the iPad, you need to pay extra for those features.

In summary you have to determine what you will use the device for and based from your needs you can determine the best tablet PC to get.

How do I get apps on my Android Tablet?
Q. I have a Pandigtal Multimedia Novel, (aka) a 7 inch, Android Multimedia Tablet & Color eReader and I can't figure out how to get apps on it. So can anyone help me, because I'm clueless!!!

A. Ok clam down.I think you should go to the store from where you bought it.Or you can talk with an expert.If you try to figure out your problem with sufficient knowledge or with the help of any inapt it may be harmful for your tablet.So don't take risk.May be it will be costly but take help from an expert.All the best.

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