If humans were to get replaced by a race of synthetic humans in the future?

Q. How do you think they would ever be able to figure out that their ancestors were artificial instead of evolving from actual animals?

A. By synthetic, I take it you mean clones. It wouldn't make much difference. DNA is DNA. It's ultimate source is within nature. Short of androids, who clearly did not evolve, DNA is the only method we know that creates life. So it roots would always reveal themselves.

Is it possible to make a cyber dragon deck & a crystal beast deck work together?
Q. If so can any one tell me how,with what cards and if not which one would you chose if you had one choice of the two!

A. Melding an CB deck and a Cyber deck isn't recommended. Mainly, the strategies contradict one another and Cyber Dragon is limited to 1 anyways.

Monsters: 18
2 Kuraz the Light Monarch
1 Cyber Dragon
3 Sapphire Pegasus
2 Amber Mammoth
3 Topaz Tiger
2 Amethyst Cat
2 Proto-Cyber Dragon
1 Emerald Tortoise
2 Ruby Carbuncle

Spells: 20
3 Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins
2 Terraforming
3 Crystal Abundance
2 Crystal Beacon
3 Crystal Blessing
2 Crystal Promise
1 Crystal Release
2 Soul Taker
1 Monster Reborn
1 Brain Control

Traps: 3
3 DNA Surgery

Total: 41 cards

Extra Deck: 12
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Iron Chain Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
1 Magical Android
1 Armory Arm
3 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Basically a Crystal Beast deck with Cyber splashed in. The only viable way is to use the normal CB set up with Rainbow Ruins, if you can use DNA Surgery to turn everything into a machine and fuse it with (Proto-)Cyber Dragon and make Fortress Dragon. Don't forget you can also use your opponent's monsters as fusion material.

Fortress Dragon is only $5 at your local book store, but is only in this month's issue, so I'd get it before the end of the month.

What was the black goo in Prometheus?
Q. Despite him being an utter retard I believe this is the key to Lindelof's deeply flawed Prometheus script.....what is the black goo?.......what is it's purpose and does i t differ from the goo consumed by the space jockey at the start of the movie?

A. One of the things I both loved and hated about "Prometheus" was its open ended and somewhat ambigous nature. Here's may take on your questions:

**What is that black, alien goo? We know its organic, thanks to David. Since he's an android, there's no telling how he "perceives" things. He may be able to see in infrared, ultraviolet, microscopic, you name it. What we see as "black goo", he could actually perceive as something completely different.

My theory: the black goo is the long theorized âprimordial oozeâ, a substance so rich in organic material its almost alive in and of itself. We know the âblack gooâ causes the Engineer in the prologue to basically become a âDNA Bombâ and start human life on Earth. What we see through Prometheus is what happens with its uncontrolled use. Thus, it can accelerate growth/evolution (from worms to the snake thing), cause mutations (Holloway and Shaw), and even keep dead tissue alive and functioning (Fifield âdiesâ face first in the black goo and later comes back as a mutated, kill-crazy zombie). Its powerful, dangerous stuff.

I its the same black goo from the prologue. The Engineer stands by a waterfall, ingests the âblack gooâ and promptly dissolves into a âDNA bombâ. I took this to be the beginning of human life on Earth. This is further evidenced by humans sharing the same DNA/genetics as the Engineers. This particular Engineer was like a gardener, spreading the seeds of life through his sacrifice.

Hope this helps.

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