How much room is needed for apps on a tablet?

Q. I'm thinking of getting a tablet and there's only 4gb of space available for apps. It runs android ice cream sandwich (dunno if it makes a difference).

Is this enough space to have casual things like a few games and watch YouTube videos.

I can use the sd slot for my stored videos and whatnot

A. Haven't had much experience with tablets but simple games shouldn't matter. 4 GB of games is still quite a bit of space since most basic apps aren't much more than 5 MB at the most. YOUTUBE videos usually load off the internet and aren't actually downloaded/saved on your tablet. So they shouldn't be too much problem either.

What is the best,cheap tablet on the market?
Q. I don't want to spend the big bucks for a IPAD but I want a tablet similar to that. There are so many out there. Which one is the best,cheap,or less expensive one? Will be using the wifi or tethering to my cell phone's hotspot. Mostly using for reading,games,and a little web surfing.

A. First off, I think you should get an android tablet. The reason you would want an android tablet over a windows tablet is because android is free, so all of your money goes to the hardware. Also, you can download both the Kindle and Nook apps on it and read books from there, as well as ones from the google play store, so you have a lot of options for your reading.

That said, the Nexus 7 is what I recommend. It was made for Google by Asus. That means android works really well on it and it is really good, reliable hardware. It has the newest version of android, so that's another plus. It has a Tegra 3 processor, which means it's really fast and great for gaming. Web pages will also load quickly.

The only downside is that there is no camera on the back... but I'm guessing your phone has a pretty decent camera and a phone is easier to take pictures with, anyway. There is a camera on the front so you can still take pictures and skype.

Please note that it is smaller than an iPad. The 7 stands for 7 inch screen. It's easier to carry around and much easier to hold with one hand while reading.

For $200, it is by far the best for the money, and if you spend less than that, you'll most likely end up frustrated with a slow tablet that doesn't work very well. If you can afford the extra $50, get the 16 GB one because you can't add more storage later and games can take up a fair bit of room. Either way, you probably won't find a better tablet for the price unless an iPad mini comes out, and I expect that to be at least $350.

Hope this helps!

How do I make my computer connect to the internet better then other devices connected to my router?
Q. Basically, many devices are currently connected to one router in my dorm. Now, my room mate doesn't exactly need all of the WiFi he's receiving, but he definitely needs it to check email, ETC.. How can I divert most of the WiFi to my laptop, but leave a certain amount on his tablets/iPod/androids... Etc, Etc.???

A. can't really do that with a normal home/office wifi router. What you can do is turn on QoS (quality of service) and prioritize certain types of traffic (web, e-mail, voip, gaming, etc) to have higher priority than other types of traffic.

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