Q. Androids are made in Japan that cost about $20,000 US that until they speak are undecernable from humans, and then it came to me that a Soldier cost about $150,000-$300,000 a year to train & support.
So could in the future could we build a android army?
So could in the future could we build a android army?
A. With enough R&D they could probably be used in support roles but at this point the huge cost would probably not be worth it, although we do use robots for some tasks such as setting off bombs without risk to human life. But fighting actual battles no, not anytime soon (although I won't deny that it is a possibility in the future). They would have to be able to carry much more weight than they can handle, while being able to efficiently preform the job at the level a human can, which would be difficult without an AI system. And of course you would have to convince a culture overdosed with Terminator movies that a thinking machine could be trusted with a gun,
If the iphone was available on another network would you switch or stay with Android.?
Q. I have always wanted an iphone but was never able to afford the switch to another network. Now that i have the Evo 4g and android base phone i dont think i will switch, i love this android technology, all my music is simply transfered to my phone and there are plenty of apps to keep me busy. What would you do. I think ill stick with android my favorite??
A. i would switch. i personally think the iphone is better.
How does the use of biotechnology by androids in science fiction sound?
Q. I'm writing, or about to begin writing, a science fiction story where androids are the main characters and are their own civilization. I'm wondering if, perhaps, since humans seem to prefer using inorganic technology and organic only to aid us rather than as tools, should/would it be more interesting if inorganic androids used organic technology as tools, and inorganic technology just to aid them? Or would that be too weird, using organic material as we use inorganic material in technology?
A. That actually sounds like a rather interesting idea if well written. As a writer myself, I've found that often, a reader would find a 'poorly researched' plot device (or whatever else it is) dull and unbelievable, despite possibly not knowing anything on the subject themselves.
If you want to write about it, go right ahead! just keep in mind you also want to make it even somewhat realistic so it could be a more interesting read. ;'3
If you want to write about it, go right ahead! just keep in mind you also want to make it even somewhat realistic so it could be a more interesting read. ;'3
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