How can I use my internet on my android on my laptop?

Q. I have a lg optimus with the android system and was wondering if its possiblle to use the internet on my phone on my laptop, and if so how would I go about doing it??

A. If you're phone has the Android OS 2.2 (FroYo), then you can make your phone a portable hotspot.

1. Go to Settings
2. Click on "Wireless & Network Settings"
3. Click on "Tethering & Portable Hotspot"
4. Click the "Portable Wi-Fi hotspot" box.

I'd recommend you secure your new portable network.

5. Click on "Portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings"
6. Click on "Configure Wi-Fi hotspot"
7. Enter a password.
8. You can optionally change the NetworkSSID from "AndroidAP" to whatever you want.
9. You can also optionally change the Security protocol from "WPA2 PSK" to "Open". I would leave it at WPA2 PSK so you have a secure network and someone else around you can't jump on and start using your connection. If you have friends around, you can either create a password and share it with them or you can just open it up. But remember, if you open it up, then ANYONE can connect. Again, I'd just create a password and share it with friends if you want them to connect too.
10. Click the "Save" button.

Now all you have to do is get your laptop wireless card to connect. Locate your network name, enter your password and enjoy!

Can I use internet on my windows laptop using a android phone internet connection?
Q. I have a windows 7 laptop I don't have internet connection for that .can I use internet on laptop using android mobile connection ? How?

A. I think you can connect the internet for your laptop from android mobile. But you should have wifi for both laptop and mobile. In android mobile go to Settings>>wireless & networks>>Tethering & portable Hotspot>>mobile AP. Enable checkbox on that. But before you should have working internet connection on your android phone.

Then from laptop enable wireless connection and scan the wifi networks and it will scan the wifi near by. Then your phone name will be displayed. Then you can easily connect the internet on your laptop from the mobile.

You can put the phone name and pwd in Mobile AP settings under Settings in Android Phone.

Above settings are for the Android 2.3, a little may be vary for other android OS.

How do I add my contact details to the Android lock screen?
Q. I'm currently using the Android pattern lock - it's great but I'm worried that if I lose my phone no-one will know who it belongs to because they will have no contact details. My blackberry used to display my name and email on the front screen, how can I turn this on on Android?

A. Hi Jackie,

Katy is correct that there is no function in the Android OS.

There are two apps which you can use, depending on what type of lock you want. If you want a numeric combination code to lock your phone use Pin Lock Pro . Or if you want to use a pattern lock (you draw a shape to unlock) there is Pattern Lock Pro

They both let you add your phone number and email address, as well as your name.

Good luck!

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