I am intereste in developing google android apps and i am from india, but in google i could learn that?

Q. I am interested in developing google android apps and i am from india, but in google i could learn that in india, android apps applications cannot be sold or used? What should i do now?

A. Many of andriod applications are free software and the base system of andriod is also free software (linux kernel) so applications can be developed freely. Assuming you know how to write programs you can develop applications for it freely. This is the android developers site http://developer.android.com/index.html

Does anyone know how to connect a flashdrive to a android phone?
Q. I have an android LG Optimus Slider (virgin mobile). and it would be vary useful if i could use my flashdrives with it so if anyone knows what apps/programs i would need or the hardware hook up. i have no problem with making some sort of adapter for the data port on the phone i just need to know how. or if anyone knows where i could buy some sort of adapter. and would i need to root my phone. all help appreciated

A. The easiest way to start is to grab a USB OTG adapter. If you can't (or don't want to get one), find a female USB A --> microUSB cable. On this cable, open the microUSB side of the adapter and solder pins 4 and 5 of the microUSB port together.
When you have your USB OTG adapter (or modified microUSB cable) you can then run the commands to load the necessary kernel drivers. Everything here is already on the rooted PlayBook, so you won't need any extra files. The commands are as follows:

slay RIM_usbmgr-Winchester
slay io-usb
slay devb-umass
sleep 2
RIM_usbmgr-Winchester -m0s
io-usb -domap4430-mg ioport=0x4a0ab000,irq=124
sleep 2
waitfor /dev/io-usb/io-usb 4
devb-umass cam pnp blk automount=+hd6t6:/accounts/1000/shared/usb:dos,automount=+hd6:/accounts/1000/shared/usb:dos

The only line you really need to pay attention to is the last one as it shows where the flash drive will be mounted after it's connected. You can specify different mount points for different partitions by separating them with comas (in the example here hd6t6 and hd6 are shown).
for more queries you can go through a website http://www.learnmax.co.in/android-training.html ,hope you wil get your solution.

What is a stock Kernel for android?
Q. I have a rooted Cyanogen 7.1 Droid 1 and I want to buy this overclock app however it states I must have the stock 4 slot kernel to work.

A. Monolithic..

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